Amazing ‘CashNip Kitty’ Brings His Owner Money Every Day…

Cats are clever critters. They love playing around as well, and one particular cat put his playful skills into doing something that baffled everyone around him. Meet “Sir Whines A Lot,” a former street at that was rescued by a firm in Tulsa called GuRuStu. The firm had taken him in as their office morale booster, but they realized he had other talents as well.

This entrepreneurial kitty had an unusual skill: he takes money from passers-by! The owner of GuRuStu, Stuart McDaniel, said that his team began finding dollar bills lying near the door about a month ago. They tried to get to the bottom of it, but the search was fruitless, until they realized people must have been using dollars to play with the kitty through the door and he snatched the money!

They even performed an experiment to test their hunch. When they pushed a dollar bill between the glass doors, the clever cat snatched it up in a flash! His confidence suggested that this wasn’t the first dollar he’d swiped! The team wanted to put the cat’s talents to good use and even put up a “warning sign” that reads:

“CASHnip Kitty is a hustler with a philanthropic heart. He will snatch your money and donate it to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless. CASHnip Kitty says, ‘Slide a dollar through the slot and great blessings will follow.’ Search #CashnipKitty on Facebook to see his take each week!”

“Being in the downtown area we see a lot of homeless people pass by our window as they walk to the various nonprofit agencies who provide the services, like the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless. It weighs heavy on our hearts”, said Stuart.

Watch the full video below!

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