Tag: gorilla

Toddler Climbs Up to Face Baby Gorilla – What Follows Will Make Your Day

Koko the Gorilla Had Not Laughed in 6 Months – Until She Met Robin Williams

6 Ft Gorilla Catches Zookeepers Off Guard – and the Rare Footage Goes Viral


He Raised Wild Gorillas For 6 Years. Despite The Warnings, He Introduces Wife, But Then She Gets Too Close

He Opened His Ipad to This Gorilla but His Reaction is Just Out of the World


He Raised This Gorilla Like His Own Son, But Watch When He Introduces His Wife for 1st Time


They Gave That Gorilla a Box Full of Kittens. But Wait Till You See What She Does to Them!


This Baby Girl and That Gorilla Are Best Friends, Their Reunion Brought Me in Tears

Parents Take Their Toddler to the Zoo, and Then Left Surprised by Their Toddler Playing With Gorilla

Park Ranger Consoles Sad Gorilla Whose Mom Got Killed By Poachers