Mom Wanted to Hold Dying Newborn One Last Time – Then a Miracle Happened…

During the ultrasound of their third child, Karen and Brian Wollman were told that their baby would have Down syndrome. Not only that, the baby would probably be stillborn because it had hydrops fetalis, a serious condition that typically leads to stillbirth or fetal death.

But little Renner was born alive and even the doctors were surprised. They claimed that he would probably live for a few more hours. Yet Renner defied the odds again and managed to hang on, although they said he would probably not last for more than a few days.

Karen wanted to do something with her baby one last time before he passed away, so she got permission to bring a rocking chair from home and rock him. She held him for four hours.

It turns out that rocking and holding him brought forth a miracle for the Wollman family. Baby Renner, slowly started getting better and was out of danger in time. Little Renner is now two years old and lives with his incredible family.

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