They Hear Noises From 4 Sealed Boxes in Alley – What They Find is Heartbreaking

Imagine walking down a street and hearing noises coming out of sealed boxes? This is what a passerby went through in an alleyway in Stratford, London. Luckily, she checked to see what was making the noise. That’s when she heard meows and contacted the nearest animal trust.

The Celia Hammond Animal Trust rushed to get the four boxes after they got the call. Moreover, they were in shock about how someone could just pack their pets inside boxes and dump them in an alley. So, the rescuers take a knife and start cutting through the tape, sealing the cardboard boxes. And what they find inside is heartbreaking.

cats in boxes

When they manage to open the first box, three ginger cats pop up, looking around in confusion. And there are more cats when they open the next box, then the other two. Moreover, no one knows how long the 11 malnourished and flea-ridden cats were inside. Fortunately, the felines were safe from any further harm.

And the good news is that following the rescue they are healthy, and all of them have found loving homes! Watch the full rescue video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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