Adorable Toddler Mimics Castle Guard and Evokes Rare Guard Laughter

The Windsor Castle Guards have a long and distinguished history. Established in 1660 by King Charles II, they were originally formed to guard his court and the Royal Palace at Windsor. The regiment primarily consisted of cavalry, with infantry units added in 1702.

Over the centuries, the Windsor Castle Guards have served with distinction in numerous wars and campaigns, including the American Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, and both World Wars. Today, they are responsible for the ceremonial duties of the Royal Family, and continue to play a key role in the preservation of the monarchy and the British way of life.

Most of us have seen video clips of the Guards–their stoic expressions and singular focus on their duty, even when taunted by spectators. Well this little boy managed something rare indeed: getting the guard to laugh at something he did.

This viral clip was dubbed “Windsor Castle Boy” because the toddler copies the guard’s moves with an uncanny precision as he marches in front of his post. With a play sword in his hand, the little boy walks side by side with the guard, trying his best to match his moves. In the end, he made the guard laugh, which rarely happens.

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