Police Show Up After 16 Calls to 911 – Just To Find It Was These Two Dogs!

Usually, when people dial 911, it’s for an emergency. They might be in a frightening place or desperate need of help. And the police send help right away. But we have come across news where people prank the cops with their 911 calls. However, this case is a lot different than what we’ve ever heard or seen.

One day, the police department in Lakeville, Minnesota, got a strange call, that too not once or twice, but sixteen times. And when the officers answer it, all they could hear was dogs barking in the background. Officer Michelle Roberts and her partner sensed something fishy and decided to go and have a look. Upon their arrival at the location, they found out it was two dogs, Remmy and Bomber, making the call.

dogs dial 911

The owner went out, locking the two dogs inside, and he left his phone on the table. And the dogs, in excitement, dialed the phone multiple times. Upon the arrival of the police, even the owner was taken by surprise, knowing what his mischevious pooches did.

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