Two Christmas Trees Have Argument Over Their Light Show – Very Clever!

With Christmas lurking around the corner, the competition to stand out in one’s neighborhood is back again. The dedication tends to bring out the best in people creativity wise. Furthermore, with so many annual prizes, homeowners do go overboard with the decorations.

The clip below shows that someone put in an intense amount of hard work. It may not look like it at first glance, but the picture is not just of lights but also a funny skit. Who knew comedy could be a part of Christmas decoration?

When she ran into two trees arguing with each other about their light show. Apparently, the trees can’t seem to count or figure out what color their lights are supposed to be. They are therefore facing some difficulty synchronizing the music with their lights. However, once they get along, the magic sparks as the tress light out bright and beautiful. Truly magnificent, as you might see, the music goes so accurately the way the light twinkles.

Watch the full clip below. Isn’t that clever? Please share your thoughts in the Facebook comments!

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