Mom on Verge of Meltdown During Kids Tantrum is Handed Note From Stranger That Changes Everything

This is one of the most heartwarming stories you will ever find on the internet. You will be shocked to know what happened.

A mother was struggling to calm her toddler down publicly. It is one thing to suffer from a toddler’s tantrum and a completely different problem for that to happen in a public place. Anyone who has had a toddler knows exactly how hard it is to keep a kid calm in public places. Tantrums are the worse. It is not easy for a single person to deal with all the fuss.

That happened to this woman as well. She was only about to break down when a stranger handed her a kind note with a dollar bill stuck to it. She says, “I’m trying to think of what this new decade is going to bring for me, what type of person I can strive to be, and I just thought, I want to be like this lady. I want to be impactful in the best way,”.

This is simply amazing. Watch the full video below!

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