Dad of Quintuplets Goes Viral With These Genius Parenting Hacks

Being a parent can be very tough. Many parents have a hard time handling a single child. Well here’s some parenting tips from a dad of seven kids, five of which came at the same time!

Chad Kempley knows what he is doing as a dad of seven. This man is truly a mastermind when it comes to parenting. Chad and his wife Amy have had several heartbreaking miscarriages in the past. This really broke the couple but they eventually got pregnant with two daughters.

Life was even more kind to them as it blessed this couple with quintuplets. But having quintuplets was as tough as it was beautiful. Amy had to stay up all night at first and was never getting enough sleep.

The couple’s entire schedule was a mess. The chaos in the house forced Chad to come up with a creative solution to their problems.

One thing he did was customize a chair for each of his five babies. The chair had a feeding bottle each connected to the top part of their chair. This hack has made the lives of this couple very easy and Amy does not have to struggle as much anymore with feeding.

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