Epic Graduation Ceremonies: No One Was Expecting These Crazy Antics

Graduation ceremonies are significant milestones in academic settings, marking the completion of a specific level of education, such as high school, college, or university. These ceremonies are often celebratory events that honor the achievements and hard work of students. While the specific details of graduation ceremonies can vary across institutions, there are some common elements that are typically included.

Music plays an essential role in graduation ceremonies, setting the tone and creating a sense of accomplishment and festivity. The processional music is played as graduates, faculty members, and distinguished guests enter the ceremony venue in an organized procession. The traditional processional music often includes pieces such as “Pomp and Circumstance” by Edward Elgar, which has become synonymous with graduation ceremonies.

But here’s three videos showing something you probably won’t see at any ceremonies you’re attending this year, but they are certainly fun to watch. This first one shows the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, high school graduation.

This second one shows Eastwood High School in El Paso, Texas.

This final video is of Holy Trinity College of General Santos City – Senior High School Program, Batch 2019.

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