Baby’s ‘Alien’ Response to Mom’s Question Left Dad in Complete Hysterics!

Babies are one of the funniest things I have seen in my life. They manage to crack you up without even trying. I mean just take a look at this little baby girl in the video below! This little girl is named Chloe and she definitely has a lot on her mind. But wait till you see how she unleashes her thoughts on her dad! I am still trying to stop my laughter!

Babies typically start talking around 12 months of age, although the range of normal development is quite broad. Some babies may start saying their first words as early as 8-9 months, while others may not say their first words until 15-18 months. Before that, baby talk is usually incomprehensible.

Now imagine a baby who thinks they are talking and therefore decides to speed up what she is saying – it’s a total nightmare! It’s not just hard to understand what she’s saying, it’s pretty much impossible. In fact, the sounds remind me of something from a movie. Thus the title of this video is hilariously called “Aliens Communicate Through Baby’s Body”.

Even mom and dad can’t help themselves from laughing out loud at their daughter’s crazy effort at communication. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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