3 Teens Bully Boy At Park, but the Man on the Bench Gives Quick Response

Bullying is a serious issue that’s gotten a lot of attention recently. Everyone from young kids to elderly citizens has fallen victim to it. Some have even lost their lives. However, not much has been done to get rid of it.

There are some organizations working against bullying, but unless each and every individual stands up against it, positive results will surely be hard to come by. After Keaton Jones’ thoughts about bullying went viral, YouTuber Matthew Bandeira of MattTV decided to conduct a social experiment revolving around the topic.

He wanted to see how people would react if they saw a child being bullied in public. Bandeira recruited a young boy along with three older boys to act in this experiment. He asked the older kids to pretend that they are picking on the younger kid, and sent them off to a park near a playground. In each of the three situations, there was an adult nearby. How the adults would react to what they saw? You have to see that for yourself!

Matthew discloses that 28 percent of students, aged 12 to 18, report being bullied. According to the video, 160,000 kids avoid attending school out of fear of being bullied. The first person to witness this pretend bully situation was a mom and her kid. She walked right up to the group and confronted the older boys.

This scenario was re-enacted two more times, with a woman and a man. Wait till you see how they reacted! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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