Grandpa Can Speak Like Donald Duck, Watch as He Annoys Telemarketers

At some point of time, we’ve received a call from the most random telemarketer annoying us to death, trying to sell off their product/ services. But ever thought about how to give them a taste of their own medicine? This grandfather does it in his own, unique way and the telemarketer gets irritated enough to hang up on him!

The hilarious video features Donald (not Duck!) Sizemore who recently received a call from a telemarketer. But he decided to pull her leg and does the best Donald Duck impersonation! Shocked, the telemarketer asks if he’s the real Donald Duck. Towards the end, the telemarketer gets annoyed and hangs up on him.

Sizemore’s wife recalls their first date and their 50th anniversary when he sang for her. Seeing the jolly couple reminiscing and sharing a hearty laugh together is so wholesome!

WATCH the video below and learn a trick or two from Sizemore. After all, he turned the tables and managed to piss off a telemarketer!

COMMENT your experiences with pestering calls from telemarketers. SHARE this video with everyone to spread some laughs!