Wedding Couple Owns the Floor With a Twist on “Dirty Dancing” Routine

When you think of a wedding, we automatically imagine white dresses, vows, rings. Everything about the function is traditional. But couples these days are taking the steps towards a more non-traditional ceremony engaging and astonishing guest with sneaky surprises.

Much like the newlywed couples Aaron and Stefania, who put on a great show as a present for everybody.

One thing about the wedding is we want to make it wholesome. Hence we incorporate everything we love into a ceremony. Favorite flowers, colors, decorations, and even movies. The couple loved “Dirty Dancing” I mean who doesn’t.

So, the duo decided to master a dance routine for their first wedding dance. The two screens on the side detail their practices. As soon as the song, “The Time of My Life” plays in the speakers, the crowd cheers as they take out their phone to record the memorable wedding of their life.

Despite being amateurs the husband and wife, put on quite the show. The dance consists of precise steps the regular ball dancing with few lifts done gracefully. As they get towards the end, the couple rejoices in the triumph as they seem to have mastered a risky iconic lift from the movie.

Let’s be honest this iconic step from the film needs a lot of trust to execute perfectly. I couldn’t think of any better way to embark on their journey of marital life. Did you find the video entertaining? Don’t forget to share your thoughts.

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